2021-03-25 13:24:54
以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文39篇,主要发表在本领域主流学术刊物如《Developmental and Comparative Immunology》和《Fish and Shellfish Immunology》等. 近5年来的研究工作主要集中在鱼类抗菌资源挖掘及抗菌机制研究,许氏平鮋抗病免疫应答机制和鱼类新型疫苗研发方面。获批国家发明专利10余项。
- Dong-fang Hao#, Guang-hua Wang#, Ning-qiu Li, Hong-mei Liu, Chang-biao Wang, Wen-qing Liu, Xue Yan, Min Zhang*. 2022, Antimicrobial and immunoregulatory activities of the derived peptide of a natural killer lysin from black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii). Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Guang-hua Wang, Wen-qing Liu, Chang-biao Wang, Jing-jing Wang, Hong-mei Liu, Dong-fang Hao, Min Zhang*. 2022, Molecular characterization and immunoregulatory analysis of suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) in black rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli. Dev Comp Immunol.
- Qin-qin Gu, Guang-hua Wang, Ning-qiu Li, Dong-fang Hao, Hong-mei Liu, Chang-biao Wang, Yong-hua Hu, Min Zhang*. 2021, Evaluation of the efficacy of a novel Vibrio vulnifcus vaccine based on antibacterial peptide inactivation in turbot, Scophthalmus maximus. Fish and Shellfsh Immunology.
- Qin-qin Gu#, Shu-wen He#, Li-hui Liu, Guang-hua Wang, Dong-fang Hao, Hong-mei Liu, Chang-biao Wang, Chao Li, Min Zhang*, Ning-qiu Li*. 2021, A teleost bactericidal permeability-increasing protein-derived peptide that possesses a broad antibacterial spectrum and inhibits bacterial infection as well as human colon cancer cells growth. Dev Comp Immunol.
- Yan-li Su#, Guang-huaWang#, Jing-jing Wang#, Bing Xie, Qin-qin Gu, Dong-fang Hao, Hong-mei Liu, Min Zhang*. 2020, TC26, a teleost TFPI-1 derived antibacterial peptide that induces degradation of bacterial nucleic acids and inhibits bacterial infection in vivo. Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Shu-wen He, Jing-jing Wang, Xue Du, Bin Yue, Guang-hua Wang, Shun Zhou, Bing Xie, Min Zhang*. 2018, A teleost TFPI-2 peptide that possesses a broad antibacterial spectrum and immune-stimulatory properties. Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Shu-wen He, Guang-hua Wang, Bin Yue, Shun Zhou, Min Zhang*. 2018, TO17: a teleost antimicrobial peptide that induces degradation of bacterial nucleic acids and inhibits bacterial infection in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Guang-hua Wang, Zeng-jie Jiang, Shu-wen He, Min Zhang*. 2018, Two novel calreticulin-related molecules with microbial binding and phagocytosis enhancing capacity in the half-smooth tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis. Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Min Zhang#, Bin Yue#, Ai-hua Zhang, Guang-hua Wang, Yong Liu, Shun Zhou, Shun-feng Cheng*, Ning-qiu Li*. 2017, TC38, a teleost TFPI-2 peptide that kills bacteria via penetration of the cell membrane and interaction with nucleic acids. Fish Shellfish Immunol.
- Shu-wen He, Jian Zhang, Ning-qiu Li, Shun Zhou, Bin Yue, Min Zhang*. 2017, A TFPI-1 peptide that induces degradation of bacterial nucleic acids, and inhibits bacterial and viral infection in half-smooth tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis. Fish Shellfish Immunol.