2023-03-01 07:49:58 来源:欧洲杯下单平台官网 浏览数:0
2004.09-2008.07 河北工业大学,理学学士
2008.09-20013.07 中国科学院海洋研究所,理学博士
2013.07-2022.03 欧洲杯投注官方网站入口,欧洲杯下单平台官网,讲师
2022.07-2023.07 挪威奥斯陆大学,生物地球化学中心,访问学者
2022.03-至今 欧洲杯投注官方网站入口,欧洲杯下单平台官网,副教授
[1].Yu YU, Yingxia LI, Bing LI, Yichao REN, Xiaoyu DONGD. Distribution, behavior and budget of Pb in suspended particles in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent East China Sea.2022. Chemosphere.288,132643
[2].Yu YU, Yingxia LI, Bing LI, Yichao REN, Xiaoyu DONG. Identification and quantification of lead source in sediment in the northern East China Sea using stable lead isotopes. 2021. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 39, 1887-1900.
[3].Li-Qin Duan, Jin-Ming Song, Yu Yu, Hua-Mao Yuan, Xue-Gang Li, Ning Li. Spatial variation, fractionation and sedimentary records of mercury in the East China Sea. 2015. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 101(1):434–441.
[4].Yu Yu, Jinming Song, Liqin Duan, Xuegang Li, Huamao Yuan & Ning Li. Sedimentary trace-element records of natural and human-induced environmental changes in the East China Sea. 2014. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2014, 52:277-292.
[5].Yu Yu, Jinming Song, Xuegang Li, Huamao Yuan, Ning Li. Fractionation, sources and budgets of potential harmful elements in surface sediments of the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013; 68(1-2):157-167.
[6].Yu Yu, Jinming Song, Xuegang Li, Huamao Yuan, Ning Li, Liqin Duan. Environmental significance of biogenic elements in surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent areas. 2013. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25(11): 2185–2195.
[7].Yu Y, Song J, Li X, Yuan H, Li N. Distribution, sources and budgets of particulate phosphorus and nitrogen in the East China Sea. 2012. Continental Shelf Research, 43: 142-155.
[8].Yu Y, Song J, Li X, Duan L. Geochemical records of decadal variations in terrestrial input and recent anthropogenic eutrophication in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters. 2012. Applied Geochemistry, 27 (8): 1556-1566.
[10].于宇,宋金明,李学刚,袁华茂,李宁.沉积物微量金属元素在重建水体环境变化中的意义.地质论评,2012, 58(5):911-922.
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