2022-03-29 16:50:00 浏览数:0
聚焦温度、盐度等环境因子对生物的影响机制。研究成果先后在《Aquaculture》、《Journal of Thermal Biology》等刊物发表SCI论文20余篇,其中1区4篇,2区7篇。近5年主要开展:(1)研究高氨氮等典型环境因素对三疣梭子蟹的生物能量学影响,揭示其环境适应机制,为养殖模式优化提供理论参考;(2)探索养殖条件下三疣梭子蟹的争斗、领域等相关行为特征,为养殖防残措施开发提供基础资料。
[1]山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果三等奖(1/1), 2015.
[2] 中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助:AMPK-SIRT1-PGC1α通路对牙鲆抗寒能量代谢的调控机制, 主持, 结题, 2016-2017.
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金: AMPK-SIRT1-PGC1α能量轴在牙鲆抗寒中的作用, 主持, 结题, 2017-2019.
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 氨氮致三疣梭子蟹肝胰腺损伤机制:基于Ca2+稳态偶联AMPK-PGC1α通路介导的线粒体代谢, 主持, 在研, 2020-2023.
[5] Lu, Y., Zhang, J., Cao, J., Liu, P., Li, J., Meng, X. (2022). Long-term ammonia toxicity in the hepatopancreas of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus: cellular stress response and tissue damage. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 1-11.
[6] Yang, C., Su, X., Liu, D., Guo, Z., Wang, F., & Lu, Y.(*) (2020). A new method of aquatic animal personality analysis based on machine learning (paml): taking swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus as an example. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 32.
[7] Lu, Y., Zhu, B., Zhang, D., & Li, Y. (2020). Air Temperature and Emersion Time Can Affect the Survival Rate and Ammonium Loading of Swimming Crab Portunus trituberculatus Exposed to Air. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19(3), 643-652.
[8] Lu, Y., Nie, M., Wang, L., Xiong, Y., Wang, F., Wang, L., ... & You, F. (2018). Energy response and modulation of AMPK pathway of the olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in low-temperature challenged. Aquaculture, 484, 205-213.
[9] Lu, Y., Wu, Z., Song, Z., Xiao, P., Liu, Y., Zhang, P., & You, F. (2016). Insight into the heat resistance of fish via blood: Effects of heat stress on metabolism, oxidative stress and antioxidant response of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Fish & shellfish immunology, 58, 125-135.
[10] Lu, Y., Zhang, D., Wang, F., Dong, S.(2016). Hypothermal effects on survival, energy homeostasis and expression of energy-related genes of swimming crabs Portunus trituberculatus during air exposure. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2016, 60: 33-40.
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